AVEVA OMI Software Developer Kit
AVEVA OMI Developer Guide > Getting Started > Named Credentials > Credential Management Options
Credential Management Options

There are three recommended methods to implement credential management in your app during design time. Regardless of which method you choose for your app, the functionality and implementation of the credentials remains the same when the app is deployed to the run-time environment.

  • Option 1: Use the NamedCredentialAttribute class in your app
  • Option 2: Incorporate Credential Management in an App Editor
  • Option 3: Use the API to build a custom design-time UI to implement Credential Management via an App Editor

Note that both options 2 and 3 require that you implement an editor for your app. Use option 1 if you are not going to include an editor with your app.

For information about the run time sequence of events, see Named Credentials at Run Time .

See Also