AVEVA OMI Software Developer Kit
Properties  Methods 

NavigationItem Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by NavigationItem.

Public Properties
Public Property Gets or sets a value indicating the Access Level of the Navigation Item.  
Public PropertyGets or sets Current Area.  
Public Property Gets or sets the Current Asset.  
Public Property Gets the count of children  
Public Property Gets or sets the errors for this Navigation Item.  
Public Property Gets the first child to this Navigation Item in the context of a Navigation Model.  
Public Property Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Navigation Item has any errors.  
Public Property Gets a value indicating whether this Navigation Item has child navigation items.  
Public Property Gets the immediate child items collection of this instance.  
Public Property Gets or sets a value indicating the LoggedInUserRoles of the Navigation Item.  
Public Property Gets or sets the actual name of the Navigation Item.  
Public Property Gets a value indicating the nature of the navigation item.  
Public Property Gets the next sibling to this Navigation Item in the context of a Navigation Model.  
Public Property Gets the count of next siblings to this Navigation Item in the context of a Navigtaion Model.  
Public Property Gets or sets the Parent of the Navigation Item.  
Public Property Gets a value indicating the full path of the Navigation Item in the context of a Navigation Model.  
Public Property Gets the previous sibling to this Navigation Item in the context of the Navigation Model.  
Public Property Gets the count of previous siblings to this Navigation Item in the context of a Navigtaion Model.  
Public Property Gets or sets the Friendly Name of the Navigation Item that needs to be shown on Navigation aware control items.  
Public Methods
Public Method Gets the Navigation Item at the given navigation hierarchy path.  
See Also