AVEVA OMI Software Developer Kit
Inheritance Hierarchy
ArchestrA.Client.ViewApp Namespace
Class This structure will hold the content info for ShowContent.
Class This contains the detail information of a manipulation touch event.
Class This structure will hold the property name, value and is constant for property override.
Class This structure will hold the result of an operation.
Class This contains the detail information of a touch event.
Class The touch process result.
Class A class encapsulating the touch registration functionality.
Class A class encapsulating the helper method to get the gesture metadata.
Class The ViewApp SDK is the core SDK Class. It lets you access AVEVA OMI ViewApp features, such as displaying content and activating slide-in panes.
Interface This interface to be optionally implemented by apps if they host native windows controls and those controls are not wrapped using the WPF WindowsFormsHost to integrate with WPF control. ViewApp framework uses this interface to detect whether an app has any native controls. This is used to enable certain functionalities such as showing natural navigation buttons on top of the native controls.
Interface The properties for display control can be set before shown
Interface The interface to support the touch related events.
Enumeration Represents the main gesture directions.
Enumeration Defines the Touch Interaction mode.
Enumeration Enum for Search scope.
Enumeration Different types of the pane's Slide-In position
Enumeration This enumeration contains all touch event types.
See Also