AVEVA OMI Software Developer Kit
Properties  Methods  Events

WebControl Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by WebControl.

Public Properties
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherObject)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property Gets a value indicating whether this app is hosting native WinForm or Win32 controls.  
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic) Returns true if auto logon used for login in web control.  
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property Gets a value indicating whether the WebView is in the process of loading a page.  
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property Gets or sets the current StyleSheet.  
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Protected Properties
Protected Property Gets the app Authentication Mode. Derived class can override to provide authentication mode for app.  
Protected Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic) Returns true if AzureAD is used for login in web control.  
Protected Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Property Gets Message shown when user is not logged in.  
Protected Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Property Gets or sets the current Url.  
Protected Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Protected Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Protected Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Protected Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Protected Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Protected Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Protected Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Protected Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Protected Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Protected Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Protected Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Protected Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Protected Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Protected Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Protected Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Protected Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Public Methods
Public MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public MethodOverloaded.  Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.  
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public Method Executes JavaScript code with return value with task.  
Public Method Executes JavaScript code.  
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public Method Gets the HTML of the current document. This returns the HTML from the loaded DOM.  
Public Method Returns the locla resource byte array  
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public Method Gets the source HTML of the current document. This call goes to the server to get the source.  
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public Method Hides the developer tools interface.  
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method Invoke JavaScript function from JSFunction object. In some cases, from the browser JavaScript side, try using the C# JavaScript function with function type argument, such as: RegisterJSFunction("csharpExecCallback", callback => InvokeJSFunctionAsync(callback, "TestResult")); Thus, the browser javascript side can call: window.csharpExecCallback(function(result) { console.log(result); });  
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Public Method Loads given HTML. It is more like setting document.body.outerHTML instead of a real load. It doesn't show up in navigation history either. So it is treated much more like "modifying the current document" rather than loading a new document.  
Public Method Loads a Url and wait for it to finish loading.  
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public MethodOverridden.  This method is to override the default control template of WebControl.  
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public MethodThe implementation of ISupportTouch to ignore the safety switch and pane-level gesture.  
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public Method Register a function that can be called from JavaScript code.  
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public MethodReloads the current web page.  
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public Method Loads a Url.  
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public Method Displays the developer tools interface in a separate window.  
Public MethodStops loading current web page.  
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Public MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Methods
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Protected MethodFinalizes an instance of the WebControl class.  
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Protected MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method Occurs when the browser engines encounters a certificate error. Override this method and call CertificateErrorEventArgs.Continue to ignore certificate errors.  
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method Occurs when the browser is initializing.  
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected MethodEvent handler that is invoked by the framework when the ViewApp logged in user has changed. When overriding this method in derived class, call the base.OnLogOnUserChanged before any custom logic is added to the overriden method.  
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Protected Method Occurs when the Url is changed.  
Protected Method (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Protected Method Occurs when the browser engine is stopping.  
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodOverloaded.  Find dependency object based on child name
Public Extension Method Gets the parent element from the visual tree by given type.
Public Events
Public Event Occurs before this Webcontrol navigates to another page.  
Public Event Occurs when IsReady has changed.  
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event Occurs when Load Completed.  
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
See Also