AVEVA OMI Software Developer Kit
AVEVA OMI Developer Guide > Getting Started > AVEVA OMI App Limitations and Restrictions
AVEVA OMI App Limitations and Restrictions
  • Events and scripting are not supported.
  • Configuration of basic datatype properties only is supported.
  • Apps cannot be imported from a network share location.
  • Configuration of collection and array properties is not supported.
  • Upgrading apps is not supported.
  • Nested properties can be viewed and configured, but they cannot be configured with data binding.
  • To host the .NET controls, use the WPF element WindowsFormHost to wrap the control into WPF.
Wrap Control
Copy Code
<UserControl x:Class="ArchestrA.Visualization.TrendApp.TrendControl"
     d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="300">
     <WindowsFormsHost x:Name="FormsHost" />