AVEVA OMI Software Developer Kit

ArchestrA.Client.WebControls Namespace : CertificateErrorCode Enumeration
CertificateErrorCode Enumeration
An enumeration of error codes.
Public Enum CertificateErrorCode 
   Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As CertificateErrorCode
public enum CertificateErrorCode : System.Enum 
public enum class CertificateErrorCode : public System.Enum 
AccessDenied Permission to access a resource, other than the network, was denied.
AddressInvalid The IP address or port number is invalid.
AddressUnreachable The IP address is unreachable. This usually means that there is no route to the specified host or network.
Canceled The request was canceled.
CertificateAuthorityInvalid The server responded with a certificate that is signed by an authority we don't trust.
CertificateCommonNameInvalid The server responded with a certificate whose common name did not match the host name.
CertificateContainsError The server responded with a certificate that contains errors.
CertificateDateInvalid The server responded with a certificate that, by our clock, appears to either not yet be valid or to have expired.
CertificateInvalid The server responded with a certificate that is invalid.
CertificateNoRevocationMechanism The certificate has no mechanism for determining if it is revoked.
CertificateRevoked The server responded with a certificate has been revoked.
CertificateUnableTocheckRevocation Revocation information for the security certificate for this site is not available.
ConnectionAborted The connection was aborted.
ConnectionClosed The connection was closed.
ConnectionFailed A connection attempt failed.
ConnectionRefused A connection attempt was refused.
ConnectionReset The connection was reset.
ConnectionTimeout A connection attempt timed out.
DisallowedUrlScheme The schema of the URL is disallowed.
EmptyResponse The server closed the connection without sending any data.
FileNotFound The file or directory cannot be found.
FileTooBig The file is too large.
GenericError A generic failure occurred.
HostResolverQueueTooLarge There are too many pending DNS resolves, so a request in the queue was aborted.
InsecureResponse The server's response was insecure (e.g. there was a cert error).
InternetDisconnected The Internet connection has been lost.
InvalidArgument An argument to the function is incorrect.
InvalidChunkedEncoding Error in chunked transfer encoding.
InvalidHandle The handle or file descriptor is invalid.
InvalidResponse The server's response was invalid.
InvalidSpdyStream Attempted use of an unknown SPDY stream id.
InvalidUrl The URL is invalid.
MethodNotSupported The server did not support the request method.
NameNotResolved The host name could not be resolved.
NoSSLVersionsEnabled No SSL protocol versions are enabled.
NotImplemented The operation failed because of unimplemented functionality.
NpnNegotiationFailed The request to negotiate an alternate protocol failed.
OK No error occurred.
ProceedAsDownload The request was processed as a download.
ProceedAsLaunchUrl The request is not handled by the browser engine, LaunchUrl event is raised.
ProxyConnectionFailed Could not create a connection to the proxy server.
ResponseHeadersTooBig The headers section of the response is too large.
SocksConnectionFailed Failed establishing a connection to the SOCKS proxy server for a target host.
SocksConnectionHostUnreachable The SOCKS proxy server failed establishing connection to the target host because that host is unreachable.
SSLClientCertificateNeeded The server requested a client certificate for SSL client authentication.
SslNoRenegotiation The peer sent an SSL no_renegotiation alert message.
SSLProtocolError An SSL protocol error occurred.
SSLRenegotiationRequested The server requested a renegotiation (rehandshake).
SSLVersionOrCipherMismatch The client and server don't support a common SSL protocol version or cipher suite.
TimedOut An operation timed out.
TooManyRedirects Attempting to load an URL resulted in too many redirects.
TunnelConnectionFailed A tunnel connection through the proxy could not be established.
UnexpectedError An unexpected error has ocurred.
UnknownUrlScheme The schema of the URL is unknown.
UnsafePort Attempting to load an URL with an unsafe port number.
UnsafeRedirect Attempting to load an URL resulted in an unsafe redirect (e.g., a redirect to file:// is considered unsafe).
Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms: Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also