AVEVA OMI Software Developer Kit
AVEVA OMI Developer Guide > MyViewApp Attributes > Playback Namespace Attributes
Playback Namespace Attributes

Use attributes in the Playback namespace to enable historical playback, set the start and end times of the playback range, and set the playback speed.

Attribute Name Description Data
Read/ Write
Enabled Enables/disables historical playback. Initial value is false. When true, other playback attributes are initialized and playback is enabled. When false, historical playback is disabled and instead shows real time data. Boolean R/W

Sets the node name of the Historian Server to be used for historical playback. When playback is enabled, the attribute value is used for discovery of the replay service. The attribute is retentive, allowing it retain its value after the ViewApp is closed. The default value is empty; when empty, it is assumed that the Historian Server is on the GR node.

If the Enabled attribute is true (Playback is enabled), HistorianServer is read-only and cannot be changed.

String R/W

Sets the start time for historical playback range, and the current playback time adjusts accordingly. This value is initialized to 8 hours prior to the current time when the Enabled attribute is set to true.

StartTime can be set to a value regardless of whether the Enabled attribute is true or false.

DateTime R/W
EndTime Sets the end time for historical playback. EndTime is initialized to the current time (default value) when the Enabled attribute is set to true. Setting this attribute adjusts the end time of the historical playback range. DateTime R/W

Sets the current time for historical playback when in playback mode. The default value is the current playback time.

The time assigned to CurrentTime can be only within the historical playback period. When the current time is being set and speed is 0 (playback paused), the client receives a data update based on the current time of the local system.

DateTime R/W
Speed Sets the historical playback speed: 0 (default) is stopped; 1 is normal playback; = 2 is fast forward. For example if Speed is set to 4, playback is at 4x normal speed. integer R/W
Playing Enables/disables playback. When Playing is set to true, historical playback becomes active and Speed is set to 1. The Enabled attribute must be set to true in order to set Playing to true. The default value for Playing is false. Boolean R/W

See Also